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日期:2020-12-16 13:04:46
最新资讯《qq个性签名英文-网上超赞的英文佳句:句句文艺精致,令人刻骨铭心!》主要内容是10-29 15:24已关注一、When I was young, happiness is a simple thing; grew up, simple is a happy thing.小时候,快乐是件简单的事;长大后,简单是件快乐的事。-qq个性签名英文,现在请大家看具体新闻资讯。

10-29 15:24


一、When I was young, happiness is a simple thing; grew up, simple is a happy thing.小时候,快乐是件简单的事;长大后,简单是件快乐的事。

二、Don't laugh at other people's scars. It's just a wound you haven't experienced.不要嘲笑别人的疤,那只是你没有经历过的伤。

三、The only thing the teacher didn't deceive us was that three years were really short!老师唯一没骗我们的就是,三年真的很短!

四、The most puzzling thing is feeling. The most touching thing in life is emotion.最困惑人心的,是感情。最感动人生的,是感情。

五、One day's errors cannot be missed in the morning, and one's life can not be missed in childhood.早晨不起误一天的事,幼时不学误一生的事。

六、It's better to give yourself more confidence and trust each other than anything else.多给自己一点信心,给对方一些信任,比什么都好。

七、Never thought that one day, I would become so indifferent, no longer crazy.从不曾想过有一天,我会变得如此淡然,不再疯狂。

八、Having dreams is just a kind of intelligence, and realizing dreams is a kind of ability.拥有梦想只是一种智力,实现梦想才是一种能力。

九、There is a number that I always remember, but I will never call again to send messages.有一个号码,一直记得,却再也不会打电话发信息过去了。

十、At the source of misfortune, there is always an accident. At the source of happiness, there is always a coincidence.在不幸的源头,总有一桩意外。在幸福的源头,总有一桩巧合。

十一、Don't be angry, don't be disappointed, don't be ecstatic, everything will pass.不要生气,不要失望,不要欣喜若狂,一切都会过去。

十二、Love, not without argument, but after every argument, love is still there.爱,并非没有争执,而是在每次争执过后,爱仍在。

十三、Waiting, not because the person will come back, but because there is love.等待,不是因为那个人会回来,是因为还有爱。

十四、If there is an afterlife, I want to be a quilt, not lying in the bed or in the sun!如果有来生,我要当条被子,不是躺在床上就是在晒太阳!
