
位置:励志人生 > 经典语句 > 翻的成语-2016年年度十大热门词语


日期:2020-01-27 19:18:11



1. 美国总统大选 US presidential election



President Donald Trump. Three words that were unthinkable to tens of millions of Americans — and much of the rest of the world — have now become the future of the United States.

2. 英国脱欧 Brexit


As people in the UK vote in the so-called Brexit referendum on whether to remain in the EU or leave, investors fret about what the future shape of the EU might be.随着英国民众就英国在欧盟的去留举行所谓的"脱欧公投",投资者们为欧盟的未来局势感到担忧。

3. 韩国总统闺蜜干政门 Choi-gate


South Korea's National Assembly voted on and passed the impeachment motion against President Park Geun-hye on Friday afternoon over her alleged involvement in an influence-peddling scandal. The passage suspended all the president's authority as the head of state.9日下午,韩国国会投票表决并通过了针对涉嫌卷入亲信干政丑闻的总统朴槿惠的弹劾案,即刻起停止其作为国家元首的一切职权。

4. 南海仲裁案 South China Sea arbitration


Chinese government on Tuesday refused to recognize the award by an arbitral tribunal on theSouth China Sea, insisting that bilateral negotiations should settle the dispute.


President Xi Jinping said China's territorial sovereignty and maritime interests in the South China Sea will not be affected by the award in any circumstances.


5. 里约奥运会 Rio Olympics


On Aug 8, Chinese female swimmer Fu Yuanhui said "I've been using honghuangzhili" indicating she had used up all her strength, the word went viral. Honghuangzhili, which means pre-historical force, was registered as trademark two days later.8月8日,中国女子游泳运动员傅园慧说“我已经使出洪荒之力”暗示她已经用尽了力气。洪荒之力的意思是史前力量。这个词在网上走红,两天后被注册为商标。

6. 二十国集团领导人峰会 G20 summit


The 11th summit of the Group of 20 (G20) major economies concluded on Monday, reaching extensive consensus on pursuing innovative, invigorated, interconnected and inclusive world economic growth.二十国集团(G20)领导人第十一次峰会5日闭幕。此次峰会就追求创新、活力、联动和包容的世界经济增长达成了广泛共识。

7. 神州十一号载人飞船 Shenzhou XI manned spacecraft


The spacecraft was sent skyward at 7:30 am atop a Long March 2F rocket from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in Northwest China. It is carrying two male astronauts – 49-year-old Jing Haipeng and 37-year-old Chen Dong.神舟十一号飞船是当天早晨7点30分在甘肃酒泉卫星发射中心搭载长征2F火箭发射升空的,搭载的两名航天员分别是49岁的景海鹏和37岁的陈冬。

After the launch, the spacecraft will travel two days before docking with the Tiangong II, which was lifted from the Jiuquan center in mid-September. Then the astronauts will enter the space lab and stay there for 30 days, which will be the longest space stay by Chinese astronauts.飞船发射升空后将飞行两天,然后与9月中旬升空的天宫二号对接。之后,航天员将进入天宫二号空间实验室生活30天,这也是中国航天员在太空生活时间最长的一次。

8. 网红经济 Wanghong economy/Internet celebrity economy


The overall size of the Wanghong economy is growing as cyber stars are going beyond the fashion industry and into online gaming, travel and baby products, according to a report.近日一份报告指出,网络红人们不仅进军时尚业,也正向网络游戏、旅游、母婴产品等行业发展,网红经济的整体规模正在不断扩大

9. 网络直播 live video streaming


A popular form of live streaming involves charming chirpy casual young ladies called, rather unimaginatively, "hosts". They sing, dance, yak, engaging their audiences via personal computers and mobile phones. High-resolution screens are not required to enjoy the streamed content.最受欢迎的一种网络直播形式是漂亮、活泼的年轻女主播参与的直播。她们唱歌、跳舞、闲聊,吸引了很多电脑和手机屏幕前的观众。这种直播无需高清屏幕就可实现。

10. 北京瘫 Beijing repose



It is said that Beijingers are especially prone to this way of reclining. Many entertainers of Beijing origin have been caught on camera in this inelegant but comfortable position. But the ultimate champion for this "Beijing repose" is Ge You, a master comedian whose cameo appearance in a situation comedy spawned a wave of good-humored interpretations and imitations.

