
位置:励志人生 > 经典语录 > 形容业绩好的成语-通过实例来学习如何描述公司业绩变化


日期:2020-09-18 20:23:17
最新资讯《形容业绩好的成语-通过实例来学习如何描述公司业绩变化》主要内容是Long time no see. 经过一段漫长的项目期,小编终于又有时间更新这里了。昨天我参加了一个商业连锁的业绩说明会,觉得挺有意思,那么今天就给大家分享一下业内资深人士是如何描述公司业绩的。-形容业绩好的成语,现在请大家看具体新闻资讯。

Long time no see.





Any statements in this presentation that are not statements of historical fact may be considered to be forward-looking statements. Words such as "may," "will," "expect," "believe," "anticipate," "estimate," "intends," "goal," "objective," "seek," "attempt," or variations of these or similar words, identify forward-looking statements.



  •  Total revenue for the quarter increased 18% to $11 million 本季度总收入增长到

Growth from B segment 增长来自集团下属的B品牌

 Cost of sales improved to 33.1% from 33.6% 销售费用改善,从之前的33.6%下降到33.1%

  •  G&A improved to 12.3% from 17.8% 一般和管理费用支出(G&A)也改善了

  •  Operating expenses improved to 54.8% from 57.3% 运营费也少了

  •  Restaurant EBITDA increased 54% to $1.4 million

  •  Adjusted EBITDA improved to $0.2 million compared to a loss of $(0.2) Second consecutive positive quarter

其中财务术语,EBITDA,指税息折旧及摊销前利润,是Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization的缩写,即未计利息、税项、折旧及摊销前的利润。这个缩写常见于报表,不过非财务人士混个眼熟即可。



The B group now accounts for more than half of our total revenue at 52.3%, which is up from 45.1% last year. You will notice that A's revenues has declined as a percent of total revenue from 39.3% to 33.5%. I should note that these percentages have already even adjusted to remove the revenues from Australia and Hungry, when apples-to-apples comparison for the contract would be more significant if the prior year included those discontinued operations.

Account for是对...负责,导致...,引起...的意思。例句:

Computers account for 5% of the country's commercial electricity consumption.


Apples-to-apples comparison是公平比较的意思,比较双方放在同一尺度上,苹果跟苹果比,而不是跟香蕉比。在这里,集团因为A品牌在澳大利亚和匈牙利关了店,所以数据已经调整了以示公平。


We saw mix results with regards to same store sales comps, C saw a 3% positive comp and B were at 0.5%. U.S. D were modestly positive in 0.8% while the International D flipped versus prior year on a local currency basis. The South African revenues have been impacted for a number of quarters by weaker local economic conditions, which is part of the reason we been focusing primarily on cost reduction and margin improvement in that region. While the UK continued to revenue at a relatively high level, but not quite as well as in the prior period. And that is an area we’re focusing more attention on going forward.

Mix results简单讲就是有好有坏,在下文中COO做了进一步解释:

集团在南非的分公司由于经济不好,业绩受到impacted影响(潜台词是经济大环境如此,我们也没有办法),所以要进一步控制成本、提高利润;英国还不错,但不如以前好(后面还提了脱欧对英镑的影响,参观都是本地货币结算);在美国的D品牌(U.S. D)比国际上的D品牌(international D)好,前者增长modestly positive即勉强为正,后者则反转(flip)了。


Tom flipped the pancake with a spatula. 汤姆用锅铲把煎饼翻面。

