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周杰伦经典歌词-周杰伦Jay 八句经典歌词随心翻 (I)

日期:2020-12-17 06:07:12
最新资讯《周杰伦经典歌词-周杰伦Jay 八句经典歌词随心翻 (I)》主要内容是无意重温Jay的经典歌词,太“经典”了’按自己的理解随意翻一翻,算是补了这周“小作文”空缺哈寂寞下手毫无分寸,不懂得轻重之分Lonliness。-周杰伦经典歌词,现在请大家看具体新闻资讯。

V信:原创: icy icy icy icy的框架写作小乐园


  1. 寂寞下手毫无分寸,不懂得轻重之分(回到过去)

Lonliness, without a sense of propriety, overfilled my heart.

2. 窗外的麻雀,在电线杆上多嘴。你说这一句,很有夏天的感觉(七里香)

A sparrow stands on the wire between lamposts;

Keeps chirping almost;

"Flavored with Summer";

As you put it at last.

3. 天青色等烟雨,而我在等你 (青花瓷)

The overcast sky is expecting misty rain; while I am expecting you.

4. 最美的不是下雨天,是曾与你躲过雨的屋檐(不能说的秘密)

What's the most memorable is not rain days;

but once-sheltered-us eaves.

5. 你说你有点难追,想让我知难而退,礼物不需挑最贵,只要香榭的落叶。(告白气球)

“I'm hard to please”;

Intimidating me into shrinking from difficulties;

"Not necessarily the priciest gifts"

"How about Champs Elysees’ leaves "

6. 菊花残,满地伤,你的笑容已泛黄。(菊花台)

Withered chrysanthemums scatter there and here;

Your yellow-tainted smile exudes overflowing nostalgia


Provisionally, wine revives memories;

Permanently, love-sickness sustains

8. 听妈妈的话别让她受伤,想快快长大,才能保护她(听妈妈的话)

Follow Mother's words in order not to hurt her;

Grow up in good time so as to protect her

