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日期:2020-01-17 23:58:40

There are a huge number of idioms and expressions in English that are worth knowing. Today, I would like to introduce you to ten of the most beautiful idioms in English. No doubt, you already know some of them. See other English idioms in the section English Idioms.


1.It takes two to tango 一个巴掌拍不响

Everyone knows that two people are needed to dance the tango, so this expression means that if there has been some kind of unpleasant situation in which two people were involved, they are both to blame.


  • You both are responsible for the fight; after all it takes two to tango.
  • 这次打架你们都要负责,毕竟一个人是打不起来的(一个巴掌拍不响)。
2.Variety is the spice of life变化是生活的调味品

This idiom means that new and different experiences make life more interesting and enjoyable.


  • I’ve lived in four different countries over the past five years, and next year I will move to India. Variety is the spice of life!
  • 在过去的五年里,我住在四个不同的国家,明年我将搬到印度。多样性是生活的调味品!
  • When adding fruits and vegetables to your diet, remember that variety is the spice of life.
  • 在饮食中增加水果和蔬菜时,记住:多种类是生活的调味品。
3.Every cloud has a silver lining黑暗中总有一丝光明

This idiom means that in every negative situation, there is also something positive.


  • “I lost my phone yesterday.” “Well, now you can buy the phone you’ve been wanting. Every cloud has a silver lining!”
  • “我昨天把手机丢了。” “好吧,现在你可以买你一直想要的电话了。黑暗中总有一丝光明!”
4.People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones,自己有错,勿评他人

This idiom means that you shouldn’t criticize other people’s negative personality traits or mistakes when you have those same traits or have made the same mistakes.


  • Susan says that Carla is jealous, but Susan is even more jealous. People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.
  • 苏珊说卡拉有嫉妒之心,但苏珊更喜欢嫉妒。自己有错,勿评他人
5.Burn your bridges自断后路

This idiom, which you have probably heard, means to do something that makes it impossible to return to an earlier state or condition.


  • I think you really burned your bridges when you announced you were quitting and proceeded to insult your manager in front of all of your colleagues.
  • 我认为当你宣布辞职并在所有同事面前侮辱你的经理时,你真的是自断后路。
6. Burn the midnight oil熬夜

Students know this idiom. It means to stay up late and work and study very hard. It can also mean that a person has been working very hard at something over a period of time.


  • Jim has to burn the midnight oil to pass that exam.
  • 吉姆必须熬夜才能通过考试。
7.Water under the bridge后悔药难求,覆水难收,东逝水

This idiom in English means that problems and difficulties that happened in the past can’t be changed, and one should forget about them and move forward.


  • It was terrible that your car was stolen, but it is water under the bridge now, so you must move forward.
  • 你的车被偷了,太可怕了,东逝水难追,所以你别再想这事了。
8.Wear your heart on your sleeve感情外露

This means to not hide your feelings; to let everyone know by your words and actions how you feel.


  • He’s the kind of guy who wears his heart on his sleeve.
  • 他是那种感情外露的人。
  • If you wear your heart on your sleeve it’s easy for people to take advantage of you. Sometimes it’s better to keep your true feelings to yourself.
  • 如果你感情外露,人们很容易利用你。有时候,最好把自己的真实感受留给自己。
9.What goes around comes around善有善报恶有恶报; 付出就有收获; 种瓜得瓜种豆得豆

You probably know the song by this name which was sung by Justin Timberlake.


You could translate this with the phrase “you will reap what you sow.” In other words, we eventually feel the consequences of what we say or do.


  • People say what goes around comes around. So be careful…
  • 人们常说善有善报恶有恶报;。所以要小心…

10.Two’s company, three’s a crowd两人成伴,三人不欢

Some situations – such as a date – are fine with two people, but awkward or uncomfortable when there are three.


  • The couple wanted to go on holiday with their friend. But two’s company, three’s a crowd, so none of them were able to enjoy themselves.
  • 这对夫妇想和他们的朋友去度假。两人成伴,三人不欢,所以他们谁也不能享受。

These are ten of the most beautiful idioms in English. I hope you will find something here that is interesting.
