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日期:2020-09-20 16:43:58


a piece of cake 轻松的事

a wet blanket 枯燥,让人扫兴

all thumbs 笨拙

as bright as a button 聪明极了

as cool as a cucumber 极其冷静

as easy as ABC 非常容易

as easy as pie 易如反掌

as hard as nails 冷酷无情,铁石心肠

as hungry as a lion 极其渴望得到

as light as a feather 很轻盈

as poor as a church mouse 一贫如洗

as proud as a peacock 十分骄傲

as sharp as a spear 聪明,思路敏捷

as sly as a fox 非常狡猾

as tall as a tree 非常高

be a weed 软弱,懦弱

be at odds 有矛盾,合不来

be blessed with brains 很聪明

be green with envy 嫉妒

be in the same boat 处于同样境地

be tickled pink 非常开心

be white as a sheet 惨白如纸

black and blue 青一块紫一块

then and there 立即

black is white and white is black. 黑白颠倒

burn the midnight oil 开夜车,挑灯夜战

call black white 颠倒黑白

cast iron nerves 坚定的意志

dark horse 黑马

down in the dumps 气馁,沮丧

eat like a bird 食量很小

feel blue 忧郁

feet of clay 内在缺陷

fly off the handle/ hit the roof/ceiling 勃然大怒

green fingers 擅长

hand and foot 完全,周到,全方位

hot under the collar 愤怒的,恼火的

have butterflies in your stomach 心慌,紧张

in the black有盈余

in the red 财政赤字

kill the fatted calf 设宴欢迎

laugh one’s head off 大笑

off the top of your head 不假思索

make a mountain out of a molehill/ make a fuss of 小题大做

on cloud nine狂喜

on its last legs 奄奄一息,濒于台

once and for all 永远,彻底地

one’s cup of tea 投合脾性的事

over the moon 欣喜若狂,兴高采烈

pull one’s leg 开某人玩笑

rain cats and dogs 倾盆大雨

senior citizen 老人

to sleep like a log 酣睡

twists and turns 曲折

wear and tear 磨损

the man in the street 平常百姓

the prodigal son 浪荡子

the salt of the earth 善良诚实的人
