
位置:励志人生 > 经典语录 > 形容文化的词语-2018热词年终盘点·文化篇


日期:2020-10-23 16:24:24



The project aimed at tracing the origins of Chinese civilization released its archaeological research results on Monday. According to its findings, Chinese civilization can be traced back more than 5,000 years based on the large-scale archaeological research in many domestic ruins.


中国农民丰收节: Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival

Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival, the first in China created specially for farmers, reflects the high priority the central government places on agriculture, rural areas and rural people, as well as its determination to see a thriving agricultural industry, beautiful countryside and well-off farmers."中国农民丰收节"是第一个专为农民设立的节日。设立这一节日反映了党中央对"三农"工作高度重视,以及确保农业繁荣、农村美丽、农民富足的决心。

藏医药浴法Lum medicinal bathing of Sowa Rigpa

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) inscribed on Wednesday China's Lum medicinal bathing of Sowa Rigpa on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.


禁游令: sightseeing ban

Since April, several national scenic areas have issued sightseeing bans in order to better protect their fragile ecological environments.4月以来,多个国家级风景区发布禁游令,以更好地保护该地区脆弱的生态环境。

自助游产品:self-guided tour products

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism of China required online travel agencies and platforms to examine self-guided tour products on sale and remove those with unacceptable risks.


收视率造假黑幕:the shady deals to forge audience ratings/收视造假:forging audience ratings

Guo Jingyu, a TV play director, claims to have exposed the shady deals to forge audience ratings in the industry.电视剧导演郭靖宇近日声称,已曝光业内收视率造假黑幕。

邪典视频:cult videos that feature well-known cartoon characters

China on Monday launched a campaign to crack down on "Elsagate" videos, which utilize well-known animated characters to spread violent and pornographic content.


香港故宫文化博物馆:Hong Kong Palace Museum

The Hong Kong Palace Museum was designed under an agreement between the HKSAR and the Palace Museum located at Beijing’s Forbidden City in 2017, and once built, it will display treasures and cultural relics from the Forbidden City. The two museums will also cooperate in exhibitions, staff training and cultural communication.香港故宫文化博物馆是根据香港特别行政区和北京故宫博物院于2017年签署的协议规划的,建成后,馆内将展出故宫博物院的珍贵藏品和文物。两家博物馆还将在展览、员工培训以及文化交流方面展开合作。

非法流失文物:illegally-discharged cultural relics

According to Canterbury Auction Galleries, Tiger Ying, a rare Chinese bronze water vessel with its spout and lid cast with models of tigers, dates back some 3,000 years with an estimated value price of 120,000 to 200,000 pounds. Letters from former Royal Marines Captain Harry Lewis Evans say that the relic was taken by him during the looting of the Old Summer Palace in Beijing in 1860.


(高考)加分':bonus points/特长生加分政策: preferential policy of bonus points

The Ministry of Education will stop giving bonus points to students who have exceptional sports ability, who have won academic Olympiads or science and technology competitions, who are named "provincial-level excellent students" or those who have performed "righteous and courageous deeds", according to a statement posted on its website.教育部网站的信息显示,将全面取消体育特长生、中学生学科奥林匹克竞赛、科技类竞赛、省级优秀学生、思想政治品德有突出事迹等全国性高考加分项目。

3D录取通知书:3D acceptance letter

Tsinghua University recently posted their new 2018 acceptance package online, which includes a 3D paper sculpture of the college's "Old Gate". The 3D acceptance letter immediately goes viral.


性别平等教育: gender equality education

Students in Guangdong will receive gender equality education starting September, which experts said will help to further equalize the social status of men and women in Chinese society.9月起,广东省的学生将接受性别平等教育,专家称,这将有助于促进我国社会中男女社会地位的平等化。


Yu Minhong, the founder of English-language training giant New Oriental, sparked controversy by saying the moral degeneration of women has led to the current degeneration of the country. But by saying that mothers play a decisive role in bringing up children he also put his finger on why "mompetition" is so fierce in China.


娘炮之风:feminization trend

After the broadcast of a TV program called "First Class for the New Semester" featuring feminine-looking male celebrities, many think the feminization trend has gone too far and that androgynous men - derided as "little fresh meats" - are poisoning China's youth.一些女里女气的男明星出演的电视节目《开学第一课》近日播出后,许多人认为娘炮之风太盛,这些不男不女的"小鲜肉"正在毒害中国的青少年。

也有网友称,这类观点属于性别刻板印象(gender stereotyping),对于男性之美或阳刚之气不应只有一种标准(there should not be only one standard on male beauty or masculinity),多样使世界美好(diversity makes the world beautiful)。

评书艺术家:pingshu artist/说书人:pingshu performer/评书表演:pingshu performance

Renowned Chinese pingshu artist Shan Tianfang died at the age of 84 in Beijing on Tuesday.


单田芳本名单传忠,1934年12月17日出生于辽宁省营口市的一个曲艺世家(a family of Chinese Quyi aritists),是中国评书(pingshu, or storytelling)表演艺术家、国家级非物质文化遗产继承人(inheritor of national intangible cultural heritage),与袁阔成、刘兰芳、田连元并称"评书四大家"。

社会责任指数: social responsibility index

The 2017-2018 China Film and Television Star Social Responsibility Report ranks Chinese celebrities according to three criteria: professional work, charitable actions and personal integrity.《中国影视明星社会责任研究报告(2017-2018)》对国内明星的评价有三个维度:专业作品、公益慈善行动以及个人品行。

奥林匹克休战墙: the Olympic Truce Mural

The inauguration of the Olympic Truce Mural took place on Feb 5 at the PyeongChang Olympic Village. According to the organizers of the PyeongChang 2018 Olympic Winter Games, the mural is "a reflection of a bridge as it signifies PyeongChang's vision to use the Olympic and Paralympic Games to open bridges between nations and help achieve a better world through sports."


杭州亚运会会徽: the emblem for the 19th Asian Games Hangzhou 2022/“潮涌”:Suring Tides

Called "Surging Tides", the emblem for the 19th Asian Games Hangzhou 2022 consists of six elements: a Chinese fan, the Qiantang River, a tidal bore, a running track, the internet icon and the glowing red sun of the Olympic Council of Asia. Below the motif is the lettering denoting the host city and the year of the Asian Games.杭州2022年第19届亚运会会徽名为"潮涌",由扇面、钱塘江、钱江潮头、赛道、互联网符号及象征亚奥理事会的红日六个元素组成。图形下方是亚运会主办城市名称与举办年份的印鉴。

佛系游戏:"Buddha-style" gameplay/放置类游戏:waiting game

A Japanese mobile game about a frog who regularly disappears on vacation has struck a note with young Chinese for its "Buddha-style" gameplay. "Travel Frog" has been among the most searched topics on Sina Weibo this week.


最受欢迎的旅游目的地:the most popular tourist destination”

China will overtake France to be the world's most popular tourist destination by 2030, according to a new report released Tuesday by a London-based market research firm.根据伦敦一家市场调研公司6日发布的最新报告,到2030年,中国将取代法国,成为世界上最受欢迎的旅游目的地。

黄金签: golden visa

Despite Brexit uncertainty, UK "golden visa" applications jumped 46% in the year to March 31.


"黄金签(golden visa)"又叫作"一级投资签证(tier 1 investor visa)",这类签证要求在英国投资200万英镑或以上资产,以换取在英国居住和工作的权利(invest £2m or more for the privilege of living and working in the UK)。

世界杯冠军魔咒:the World Cup Champions' curse

It was the continuation of a so-called (the World Cup Champions')curse: Three straight defending champions have now been bounced in the group stage of the next tournament—Spain and Italy matching the unenviable feat in the two prior World Cups in 2014 and 2010, respectively. In 2006, defending champs Brazil managed to make it to the quarterfinals. But in 2002, then-defending champions France were summarily defeated in the group stage as well.这是“世界杯卫冕冠军魔咒”:三届世界杯卫冕冠军都在之后一届的世界杯小组赛中出局——西班牙和意大利分别在2014年和2010年世界杯上倒下。在2006年,卫冕冠军巴西闯进了四强。不过,在2002年,卫冕冠军法国却在小组赛里折戟。

人口定时炸弹: demographic time bomb

The US birth rate dropped to new low in decades, according to preliminary numbers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, fueling fears of a "demographic time bomb".


婚前协议:prenuptial agreement

According to British media, Prince Harry has decided not to sign a prenuptial agreement before his May 19 marriage to Meghan Markle.据英媒报道,哈里王子已决定,他和梅根·马克尔5月19日结婚前不会签署婚前协议。

待产包: hospital bag

Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge, is set to give birth at the exclusive Lindo Wing in St Mary's Hospital. A source told a publication Kate's hospital bag is packed with various good luck talismans.


第五顺位继承人:the fifth in line to the throne

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have left hospital after the arrival of their third child, a boy. The couple's second son, who was born at 11:01 BST, weighing 8lb 7oz, is fifth in line to the throne.





